
Action / Adventure first

Fantasy, science fiction, or horror is a secondary category. Most of my novels are about a group of friends, who spill blood together, for some higher purpose.

Juxta, Magi

Juxta ekes out an existence on the streets as an orphan. If given a chance to shine, will he?

Codename: Bear

Joshua has no biological family, and this makes him a prime candidate to be recruited into a global secret agent corp.

Winter’s Line

Eriq finds his dad, murdered, lying in a ditch, and Eriq might have an idea on how to find the bastards who did it.

Unholy Monster War

For no good reason, cops throw Caitlyn into a barn with a flesh-eating monster. It’s a one-way ticket to hell or fight for her life.

R.A.E.C.E. Genesis

Interstellar war ends Earth, and the commonwealth of planets must pick up the pieces and defeat an insatiable foe.

Vampire Slayer Glory

Vampires are destroying the world one family at a time, and they pick the wrong family.

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